Man can never hide three things

Man can never hide three things

Love, Cough.!
And the sound of eating Popcorn

The card is the only great game in the world in which Men lift the Wife and then Throws.

Some people dishonor with permission.
("Can I Say one thing if you don't mind") History is a witness.

Ever since childhood, I have seen everything taking a turn back.
Except for the shoe which, a Mother throws.

In recognizing the girl, It takes us at least 30 to 35 years.

The boys sitting in the last line of the class are sitting on the first line of the mosque on the day of the results.

The situation of the country can be changed only by bachelors. 
The married cannot even change the TV channel by their will.

The similarity of the wife and the sun is that:
There is no light in the eyes after looking at them both for continuous-time.

Some people are so miser that if the post sounds good, they keep smiling and laughing but cannot do anything for themselves.

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