
Showing posts from March, 2020

Precautions for CoronaVirus

Precautions for CoronaVirus Corona Virus Cases. New York Week 1 - 2 Week 2 - 105 Week 3 - 613 France Week 1 - 12 Week 2 - 191 Week 3 - 653 Week 4 - 4499 Iran Week 1 - 2 Week 2 - 43 Week 3 - 245 Week 4 - 4747 Week 5 - 12729 Italy Week 1 - 3 Week 2 - 152 Week 3 - 1036 Week 4 - 6362 Week 5 - 21157 Spain Week 1 - 8 Week 3 - 674 Week 4 - 6043 Pakistan Week 1 - 1 Week 2 - 10 Week 3 - 15 Week 4 -  450 The next two weeks are crucial for Pakistan. If we take adequate precaution and break the chain then we can tide the Coronavirus Outbreak else we have a big problem in hand especially for the elderly population So far so good. Pakistan has done well so far in its fight to contain Corona Virus. Now we are in stage 3 in which Virus spreads through social contacts & in social gatherings. This is the most critical stage & several confirmed cases spread exponentially everyday like what happened in Italy between the last week of February & the

How Humans are Living There Lives

How Humans are Living There Lives Prices are too high And women are veiled And the mosques are empty And the commands of Allah are revolting Thieves have arguments And the mujahidin have been subdued with a hammer And adultery was declared lawful And the marriage was made difficult And women rule men And the Muslim lands are under the control of the enemy And the poor live under the open sky And most of the signs of the Hour are fulfilled except for a few So hold fast to repentance Fear the Hole bag! Avoid Wasting Goods "Life is short, So Work More" And the bag in which you keep good ones has holes. Do you do wudu very well? But wastes water too much (Hole bag) You make charity on the poor, then laugh at them by humiliating them. (Hole bag) You spend the night, and observe the day, and obey your Lord, but you are not kind to people. (Hole bag) You are also fasting and you are patient with hunger and thirst, but then you are also sc

11 Interesting Facts about our Organs

11 Interesting Facts about our Organs Here are the reasons due to which our organs get scared. 1. Stomach scared when you do not have breakfast in the morning. 2. Kidneys are scared when you do not drink 10 glasses of water in 24 hours. 3. The gall bladder is upset when you don't sleep until 11 o'clock and wake up before sunrise 4. The small intestines feel discomfort when you drink cold drinks and eat stale food. 5. The large intestine is scared when eating fried or spicy foods. 6. Lungs feel very uncomfortable when you inhale the dust contaminated with smoke cigarette irons. 7. The liver is scared when you eat heavy fried foods and fast food. 8. The heart feels very hurt when you eat a high-salt and cholesterol diet. 9 The pancreas is very frightening when you eat sweets frequently, and especially when it is available free of charge. 10. Eyes are narrowed when working in the dark in their bright light on mobiles and computers.

A simple test for the diagnosis of Corona!

A simple test for the diagnosis of Corona! Remember that the symptoms of Corona 7 do not show up so quickly, then how do we know if we are suffering from this disease? Coronavirus (COVID19) according to the latest information By 28 days the virus moves from the mouth and passes through the lungs and does not show its visible signs! And unless the sick complain of cough and fever and cannot go to the hospital! So 50% of the lungs will get infected and it is too late! Experts point to a simple test for the diagnosis of coronary disease, That we can do every morning! Take a deep breath and hold your breath for ten seconds. If you hold your breath for ten seconds without interruption And in the meantime, there is no cough and no problem. So that means you have no problem with your lungs! According to modern Japanese doctors: our mouth and throat should not dry! If dry, we should drink one sip of warm water every fifteen minutes. Why? Becau

Rights of Women

             Rights Of Women! When I board the bus, the girls who see me should leave the seat for me. Whenever I go to a bank, post office or any office, the girls let me cross the line and move on to the first numbers. Whenever there is a fight with a girl in the public, I have the right to beat the girl and not let her raise her hand in front of me… as expected from a man…! I have the right, I can wear whatever I want. So from now on, I will revolve around skin tight underwear. And listen, if my body kits or any visible image of any organ gets offended by a girl, it is not my fault that it will be the mess of her mind! When the bike is punctured, the boy will stand up at the roadside stop and play the game on the mobile, and the girl will go for a puncture while sitting on the motorcycle. And just like that when the gasoline runs out, the guy will handle the steering and the girl will push the car. See I am convinced of equality and I also want to give equal rights