Rights of Women

I am a Man and I want Equal Rights as Women

             Rights Of Women!

  • When I board the bus, the girls who see me should leave the seat for me.
  • Whenever I go to a bank, post office or any office, the girls let me cross the line and move on to the first numbers.
  • Whenever there is a fight with a girl in the public, I have the right to beat the girl and not let her raise her hand in front of me… as expected from a man…!
  • I have the right, I can wear whatever I want. So from now on, I will revolve around skin tight underwear.
  • And listen, if my body kits or any visible image of any organ gets offended by a girl, it is not my fault that it will be the mess of her mind!
  • When the bike is punctured, the boy will stand up at the roadside stop and play the game on the mobile, and the girl will go for a puncture while sitting on the motorcycle.
  • And just like that when the gasoline runs out, the guy will handle the steering and the girl will push the car.
  • See I am convinced of equality and I also want to give equal rights to women. I do not think of them as less than myself.
  • So in the cold of December, when a local bus got less/no seats while riding on a local bus, I would run away and sit on the seat, and Nabila, Shakeela, Saima, Saba, Mahesh, Sadaf, Aisha, etc. will be holding the pipe hanging outside the bus, and Rubina, Arham, Bashir, Sidra, etc. will climb on the roof of the bus, where a strong breeze blows from the front, and get in the mouth and make a mess.
  • The sewer in our neighborhood is closed and I will call a feminist who comes down the throat to clean the gutter and throws the buckets full.
  • And today my neighbor has a water turn, he told at the house that his son Jabar had a fever, he would not go to water at 3 o'clock at night, so he explained to his daughter that she should handle the hoe, etc., and in the morning before dawn. Get up, don't let the water be late!
  • See, this is no longer an option for a girl to get a job or otherwise not to sit at home. It will show weakness. Now if you do not get a job, Uncle Amjad has to go to the brick kiln. And there was talk to a contractor from Sobia who was building a road that a laborer should pay Rs. 450 for a tarpaulin. And at the same time, the talk of Shamila would be done. Sitting on the same trolley, traveling 170km ...
  • In return, the big trolley fertilizer is worth ten rupees per sack.
  • Now, no problem with money, you can borrow from the village Head. He will remind 20 times a month for giving you 20 thousand rupees. Otherwise, what happens to men is many and you are no less than men. And yes, if it is too late to repay the loan, The village Head will pick you up and take you to the camp and beat you.
  • Look, if you are old now, you do not have to worry about doing the heavy work, then just put toys on the bicycle and go out in the villages to sell from morning till evening. Putting two clothes with broken shoe rags, lift the cooler of the hot eggs in the cold freezing night and get out on the streets of the city ... eggs hot eggs!
After All, You Are A Little Less Than Men ... !!
This post is for those women who want equality with men.


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