10 Surprising Benefits of Black Seed Oil


10 Surprising Benefits of Black Seed Oil

Many of us have seen those tiny black seed at the spices rack of superstores and are sold under various names such as black caraway, kalonji seeds, black onion seeds, and black cumin. These seeds come from a relatively small plant, Nigella sativa, which is native to Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. These black seeds and black seed oil benefits are known for centuries, which is why many companies are now commercially producing this oil and selling to almost all parts of the world.

Many people confuse black seeds with cumin and oregano, but all of these are different.   Most of the benefits of black seed oil are due to one single compound that is thymoquinone, an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compound that can even prevent cancer.

10 Surprising Benefits of Black Seed Oil

How to Use Black Seeds and Black Seed Oil?

In the areas where it grows naturally, people ingest these seeds directly or add it to their food, beverage, and baking recipes. In other parts of the world where it doesn’t grow, black seeds and their oil is available in a supplement form. Considering the benefits of black seed oil, many cosmetic and health-related products also use it as their main ingredients, such as shampoo, soaps, skin-care range, and even perfumes.

Potential Benefits of Black Seed Oil

There is plenty of research that suggests this oil’s applications for promoting health. It has benefits for the skin, immune system, digestion, and hair as well. For all its benefits, it is sometimes referred to as “panacea,” which means ‘natural healer.’ But not all of its potential benefits are scientifically proven.

Here is a brief description of some surprising health benefits of black seeds and black seed oil.

1.    Anti-inflammatory Effect

The black seed oil has a high amount of antioxidants in them. These anti-oxidants are responsible for saving the body from oxidative stress and unstable free radicals. The human body needs these anti-oxidants as the absence of them may result in heart conditions, age-related diseases, and cancer. For this reason, many immune-boosters and cognition-enhancing tonics contain black seed oil to improve their effects. 

2.    Role in Fertility

The historical practice of black seeds involves using it for treating male fertility and semen quality. Many studies confirm that black seeds and black seed oil can improve the quality of sperms, hormonal, and libido; thus, enhancing male fertility. An independent study revealed the potential of alcoholic extract of black seeds on testosterone production and Pituitary-testicular axis hormones.

Not just for men, black seed oil also plays a significant role in improving fertility in women. According to a research study, it regulates the menstrual cycle and increases the chances of conceiving. Also, it prevents various reproductive problems such as cysts in the ovaries. The animal model suggests that taking black seed oil strengthens the ovaries, regulates their function, and saves a woman from PCOS. 

10 Surprising Benefits of Black Seed Oil

In menopausal women, it regulates estrogen levels, thus improves overall health and quality of life. Contrary to other herbal ailments, black seed oil and supplements are even safe for pregnant women but the best is to talk to a doctor before using them.

3.    Protection from Asthma

Asthma is common but chronic condition in which a person is highly vulnerable to suffocate as his airways inflame, and muscular constriction causes it almost impossible to breathe. Although research on the benefits of black seeds for asthma patients is limited, yet it is promising. Rubbing black seed oil and using black seed supplements help to reduce this inflammation and induce muscle relaxation. Using it regularly lowers the onset of asthma symptoms.

4.    Weight-loss Support

While there is limited evidence on black seed benefits for weight loss, many people find it exceptionally helpful for the said purpose. The benefit is more significant for those with a high BMI, type 2 diabetes, or any underlying metabolic disease hindering their weight loss. One of the study reports using black seed oil daily and a low-calorie diet results in significant weight loss and a visible reduction in waist size. In addition to this, it also lowers Low-density lipoproteins or bad cholesterol levels of the body. All these qualities make black seed supplements a preferred supplement during the weight loss journey.

5.    Reduces High Sugar Levels

People with high blood sugar can use black seeds or black seed supplements to reduce future complications, i.e., diabetes, renal failure, eye diseases, etc. There is plenty of evidence that suggests using crushed black seeds have amazing benefits for diabetic patients. While most of this data used black seed powder or seeds, black seed oil has the same benefits on blood sugar levels.

6.    Controls Blood Pressure

These seeds and their oil have benefits in lowering blood pressure. Those who are diabetic and hypertensive can control blood pressure and sugar altogether by taking black seed supplements or oil versions of these black seeds. Although these effects are much likely, there is not much research on standard dosage, which helps get these medical benefits.

10 Surprising Benefits of Black Seed Oil

7.    Ensures a Good Heart Health

Black seed oil improves blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, all of which are risk factors for various heart diseases. For centuries, black seeds are a part of natural remedies to strengthen heart functions. This effect is much better than the heart benefits of other traditional remedies. That’s why many heart patients often use black seeds or oil in their diet or consume its supplement form.

8.    Improve Brain Health and Cognition

As black seeds help curb inflammation, they are also effective against neuroinflammation, which can be a precursor for various brain-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The thymoquinone content in black seed oil works on suppressing this inflammation. But for now, the research on the cognitive benefits of black seed oil is limited.

9.    Good Skin and Voluminous Hair

Adding medicinal benefits, the black seed oil is also a common ingredient in skin-care and hair-care products. They have a high amount of moisturizer which hydrates the skin and scalp. The anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory response helps this ingredient to help against numerous skin conditions such as; acne, psoriasis, dryness, eczema, etc. Black seed oil is often added to hair serums that promote growth, volume, and shine. You can either use black seed oil directly or any variant of this oil for improving skin texture and hair growth.

10 Surprising Benefits of Black Seed Oil

 10.      Anti-cancer Properties

Some latest studies on black seeds show that thymoquinone restricts the growth of many types of cancerous tumors. Thymoquinone can affect apoptosis or the programmed cell death for brain cancer, breast cancer, and even blood cancer. But most of this research is completed on cell lines and not humans. So there is still much to explore on how to use black seeds for their anti-cancerous benefits.

   Limitations on Using Black Seed Oil

Although black seeds, oil, and supplements are safe to use, and there is no prescription required to buy them, there are chances that it can cause undesirable effects. For example, it is used with common medicines, i.e., beta-blockers and blood-thinners, which may change their impact. For this reason, people who are on prescription medication should talk to their doctor before using black seed oil on their own.

Determining the right dosage for black seed oil also requires attention as there is not much evidence suggesting an optimal dosage. In the case of overdosing, black seed supplements may damage the kidneys and liver. Black seed oil is also likely to cause allergic reactions. It is better to do a small patch test on the arm before applying it to the face or hair.

In small amounts such as cooking and baking, there are no side effects of black seeds and black seed oil.

The Final Word

Black seeds are a popular ingredient in various cuisines and have many medicinal benefits to offer, especially for people with heart diseases, cognitive loss, and fertility issues. The present-day research verifies the potential of black seed oil and supplements, but if you plan to use it to overcome a medical condition, the best is to set a dosage after talking to a herbal expert or doctor.


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