TikTok Ban | Banning of Tiktok in Major countries of the World

 TikTok Ban 

Banning of Tiktok in Major Countries of the World

TikTok Ban | Banning of Tiktok in Major countries of the World

The modern era is the age of social media and one of the most popular and emerging social media platforms is none other than TikTok. Since its launch in 2016, to date, the app has attracted a total of nearly eight hundred million active users. People from all around the globe seem to be either using this channel to share their creative side or enjoy video snippets made by such creators.

All seemed to be going well and the app was booming with every passing day, until - countries started banning this application. First, it was India who decided to impose a ban on the platform as a result of their political conflicts with China and now President Donald Trump has hinted that the USA would also be following in their footsteps.

It seems to be a very trivial matter. After all, social media and such platforms have always been targeted for several different reasons. But what we fail to realize is the huge impact that this ban decision entails. Like every coin has two sides, similarly, the verdict to ban TikTok also comes with both the goods and the bad.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is an application that was previously known as Musically. The main theme of TikTok consists of making short videos that can be anywhere from a minimum of one second to a maximum of sixty seconds long. You can sign up for an account on the application and then follow the people whose content you like. From dance videos to lip-syncing, short moral videos, recipes, and what not- a diverse range of content can be found on TikTok.

Since it is a global platform, people from all around the world make use of the application. You can choose to create videos and add them to your private account or you may keep your account public for anyone to see your content.

The Goods:

TikTok Ban | Banning of Tiktok in Major countries of the World

Although there are people who are openly opposing the decision to ban TikTok, at the same time, there are others who seem to be in favor of this decision as well. Here is a detailed discussion on the positives that are associated with banning the use of TikTok:

1. Violence and Vulgarity Control:

One of the major downsides of the applications has to be the lack of any filter or censorship. Anyone can make an account on TikTok and make videos as desired. Although there are certain community guidelines that the creators must abide by, the control and checking are not very strict.

Therefore, it is common for people to come across nudity, vulgarity, and even extreme violence when scrolling through their TikTok feed. Many videos and snippets shared on TikTok are not appropriate for certain audiences. The ban will prevent the spread of violence and vulgarity, especially amongst the younger audience.

2. Wastage of Time:

In the modern era, TikTok seems to be an addiction. Once you open the application, it is hard to close it again. The application has a fairly simple interface where the users simply need to swipe up to see the videos. One after the other after another, it is very easy for one to lose the sense of time when using the application. In other words, it seems like a vortex that pulls everyone inside without one even realizing it. People can be seen using TikTok in their offices, on the way, at their homes, and even in public places.

3. Run for Easy Money:

TikTok is a monetized platform in many countries. This means that content creators get paid for creating videos on the application. Many people look at it as a means of making easy money. There is a large number of students and professionals who have bid farewell to their education or full-time jobs just to join the platform and use it as a means of making a living.

Although being able to make money while having fun is no harm, leaving a proper career or your education just for the sake of running behind easy money does not seem to be a good idea.

4. Copyright Issues:

It is an obvious fact that TikTok lacks content control. The platform allows users to use sounds from a wide range of audios that have already been uploaded to the application's database. Or the content creators can even upload soundtracks of their own liking. But when they do so, the original owner of the soundtrack does not always get credit for the work. The soundtrack is associated with the person who has uploaded it on TikTok rather than the actual person who has worked on it and composed it.

Similar is the case with the content of videos. Creators can often be seen copying ideas from one another without giving due credit to the original owners or creators. Many times, content is uploaded and shared on the platform without even the owner’s consent.

5. Security Issues:

Many times people end up sharing a lot more than they should when using TikTok. It is common for video creators to share their location and other personal details on the platform. Although this may seem like a trivial issue, many predators keep an eye open for such opportunities and end up exploiting such personal information. Stalking and other threats follow and therefore the app may be a cause of security issues.

The Bads:

TikTok Ban | Banning of Tiktok in Major countries of the World

After going through the loopholes and the weaker areas of the application, it seems as if banning TikTok is the right thing to do. However, the application also has its positives which everyone would be deprived of if the banning of the app continues:

1. Global Platform:

As mentioned earlier, TikTok is an application that has a global audience and users. Astonishingly, the application is used by nearly 155 countries around the globe with the maximum audience coming from Asia. Due to its global usage, the application allows one to interact with people from all around the world. People get to learn about different cultures and traditions. Some users also collaborate with people from other countries. This promoted a sense of peace and harmony amongst the users. The ban will surely take away this golden opportunity.

2. Rising Talent:

Since TikTok is easy to use and accessible, many people use it to share their creative side. There are plenty of TikTok creators, especially from India, who have now made their way into the mainstream media thanks to their content on TikTok. The videos that get viral on TikTok reach a large number of people. Some of these videos have also ended up on the tables of renowned producers and directors. 

In a nutshell, the TikTok videos serve as a portfolio and open doors to many new exciting opportunities. Not only dance and acting talent is getting a chance but other talents like singing, cooking, and gymnastics were also being recognized through the application.

3. Source Of Income:

There are many people who not only got jobs because they used TikTok, but many social media influencers also rely on using the application as a source of money. Brands use social media platforms for marketing and they love to collaborate with popular TikTok creators so they can market their products. This collaboration is a source of income for these influencers and video creators.

4. Entertainment & Fun:

It is an undeniable fact that TikTok is the hub of entertainment and fun. After a hectic day at work, everyone loves to unwind and relax. Opening the TikTok app and browsing through entertaining videos that are light on the mood but heavy in terms of content and variety seems like a great way to end a tough day. Since TikTok is easily accessible and simple to use, everyone can enjoy it as a means of entertainment. The diverse range of content on the platform is also a plus as there is something for everyone!

5. Trends For A Cause:

It is common for trends to go viral on TikTok. Although the majority of the trends seem merely for the purpose of entertainment, many of these viral trends are in support of social issues. For instance, the Vogue challenge became the trend a couple of months ago to highlight the lack of representation of women of color in fashion magazines. A lot of TikTok video creators are very vocal about current issues and spread awareness of topics that need to be discussed via their content.






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