Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage


Aromatherapy for Beginners Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage
Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage

Aromatherapy is getting so much buzz for naturally healing almost all health-related problems. From sleeping irregularities, stress to sore throat, essential oils benefits are limitless. But how to know which essential oil is suitable for your condition?

Before starting aromatherapy, it is necessary to know the basic details on how it works and which essential oils help improve physical and emotional health.

Aromatherapy oils are mostly safe as long as you are using the correct one, the right way. So, are you interested in trying aromatherapy at home? Learn about the best essential oils to use daily without requiring professional help.

Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage
Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage

History of Aromatherapy

The history of aromatic plants as human civilization and some sources trace it back to nearly 3,500 BC.  Ancient cultures, as of Chinese, Indian, and Egyptians, have used aromatic plants for pretty much every common problem on an almost daily basis. Some old text shows that aromatic perfumes were popular for spiritual healing, happiness, and attraction.

Persians were the first to discover the distillation of essential oils back in the 10th century. Although this method was already in practice, it became a commercial practice after the time. Eventually, the first text on essential oil distillation was published from Germany is documented back in the 16th century. 

In the 19th century, French physicians started to use essential oils in various treatments officially. So Germans and French both share a prominent role in popularizing aromatherapy for healing benefits.

In the 19th century, the use of chemically made medicines was the main focus of clinical practitioners. But Europeans continued to use plant-based extracts and oils in treating various diseases.

The name “aromatherapy” was used by a French chemist and perfume maker René-Maurice Gattefossé in his book published in 1937.  This book explained how essential oils might help in medical treatments, especially burn wounds.


Different Types of Aromatherapy Explained

As aromatherapy has multiple uses, it may be hard for a person to understand it at the start. Irrespective of the type, all essential oils are used with a carrier oil or a water-based dilution. Following is a basic categorization of aromatherapy.

è Cosmetic aromatherapy-it uses essential oils for skin treatments, body treatments, and hair care practices.

è Massage aromatherapy- it uses essential oils in spa and body treatments for healing and stress-relieving purposes.

è Olfactory aromatherapy- it uses essential oils in a person’s surroundings, and he inhales it with the breath.


Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage
Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage


How Does Aromatherapy Work?

Aromatherapy works in two ways; either it is absorbed through the skin or inhaled through the nose.  Both these purposes are achievable by taking help from commonly available products such as diffusers, inhalators, bath salts, facial steamers, body oils or creams, masks, hold/cold compresses, etc.  You can use any of these products or a combination of them, depending upon your need.

Aromatherapy uses essential oils as its main component. Now there are hundreds of these essential oils available, and people only know about the popular ones.  Despite the medicinal usage, these aromatherapy oils are not regulated by the FDA like medicines. In case you buy essential oils online from shady vendors, there are chances that you will receive a substandard product. That’s why buying from genuine sources is necessary.


Major Benefits of Aromatherapy

The benefits of aromatherapy are countless, to name a few; here are a few things that this plant-based, aromatic oils can do.

è Pain management

è Sleeping regularity

è Stress and anxiety relief

è Relaxes muscles

è Immunity boost

è Digestive health

è Improves skin appearance and texture

è Allergy relief


Despite the popularity and history of usage, the scientific proof of aromatherapy benefits is limited to common day problems and minor diseases. Its role in age-related cognitive loss and cardiovascular diseases is still required research.  Aromatherapy can potentially treat inflammation, stress, asthma, neuropathy, depression, insomnia, arthritis, alopecia, ED, menopause, etc.

Most Popular Essential Oils in Aromatherapy

You can use essential oils independently with a carrier oil or add them to any product for an enhanced effect. The  National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health recognizes the following essential oils as the most popular and in-demand aromatherapy oils.

Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage
Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage

è Peppermint Oil

The super-aromatic peppermint oil often reminds of winter holidays, which are soothing, relaxing, and cozy. Peppermint essential oils have hidden benefits for improving athletic performance, allergies, and digestive distress. It is obtained from Mentha x Piperita, the ordinary peppermint plant which grows in the Pacific Northwest area using an advanced steam distillation process.          


è Lavender Oil

This oil is associated with a relaxing effect, for which it is often used to release stress, cancer, and sleep-related irregularities. Added into a carrier oil, i.e., coconut oil, lavender oil is used at almost all big spas for relaxing body massages. This oil is obtained from the lavender plant “Lavandula” through steam distillation. This plant naturally grows in France, and the French lavender and lavender essential oils are famous worldwide for their high-quality.          


è Tea Tree oil

 obtained from Melaleuca alternifolia  (tea tree), offers pathogenic benefits and is widely used to treat wounds, cuts, bruises, and zits. It also removes head lice, dandruff, and toenail fungus. For this reason, many skin and hair care products add tea tree oil in its formulation to enhance the effects.  This is a highly reactive oil for which you should never apply directly to the skin. Many people feel irritation or a burning sensation in their eyes while using this oil.                                                                                   


è Bergamot Oil

this citrus oil is extracted from a mix-breed fruit of oranges and juicy lemons called  Citrus bergamia. It has a refreshing and energizing aroma which super provides zealous energy and bloom to its users. Its distinctive scent makes it prominent in various skincare products such as lotions, creams, and perfumes. Bergamot oil also relieves stress, pain, and inflammation, but like peppermint oil, it may also cause minor irritation in the eyes. For this reason, it is necessary to use it with a carrier oil or product. Like other vitamin C based products, bergamot oil can turn the skin to be highly photosensitive. It is advised not to use this oil or oil-based product before going out in the sunlight.                                                                          


è Chamomile Oil

talks about the comforting scents, and chamomile oil will be the first option that comes to the mind. Chamomile or Matricaria recutita has been in use for centuries to reduce stress and anxiety. Currently, two variants of chamomile are available, German and Roman chamomile. The German variant has high amounts of chamazulene that accounts for most of its benefits. On the benefits of chamomile, essential oil includes sleep regulation, immunity boost, skin lightening, acne relief, and anti-spasm effects.

Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage
Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage

è Ylang Ylang Oil

This essential oil is light that is extracted from small yellow flowers of Cananga odorata. It mainly grows around the Indian region and is a part of traditional medicines. Ylang Ylang essential oil has a rich, fruity, and floral fragrance that works best to reduce stress, mood enhancer, blood pressure control, and regulate heart function. Some evidence suggests its role in treating insomnia too. It is traditionally used to relieve stomach distress and treat malaria, pneumonia, gout, and rheumatism.

è Eucalyptus oil

The distinctive fragrance of eucalyptus oil is calming, refreshing, and highly beneficial for coughs, nasal congestion, and clears chest. Eucalyptus originally grows in Australia, but it is common in all parts of the world. The oval-shaped Eucalyptus leaves are dried and steam distilled to obtain this essential oil. It is necessary to dilute this oil before using it, or it can be harsh on the skin.


è Rose Geranium Oil

Rose geranium oil comes from the geranium leaves from South African Pelargonium roseum and P. graveolens plants, which have a characteristic rosy scent. Some biologists believe that its fragrance pushes the insects away from it. The widespread use of rose geranium oil mixes it into a carrier oil and use it as a part of facial treatments, especially for dry skin.


Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage
Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage

è Jasmine Oil

The fragrance of jasmine is lusciously sweet and warming. Extracted from Jasminum officinale, this flowering plant is originally from Iran, but it also grows in tropical regions.  It has aphrodisiac properties for which jasmine oil is added into high-end perfumes, including the Chanel No.5.  It may be a little more expensive than other oils, but considering the benefits of this oil, its price is justified. Other benefits of jasmine essential oils include wound healing, antispasmodic, promotes lactation, eases menopause symptoms, and acts as a sedative.


è Patchouli Oil

This sweet and musky oil is taken from patchouli plant leaves, which is an aromatic herb. Leaves and stem of this plant are taken, dried, crushed, and steam distilled to make essential oil. This oil has antibacterial properties that deal with various skin treatments, dandruff, digestive health, insecticide, or antifungal procedures. It also heals colds, headache, acne, and stress and is used as a natural additive in baked foods.


How to Use Essential Oils at Home?

Essential oils are highly potent, which is why using them requires care. The following are a few things that are required for a safe experience with aromatherapy oils.

§  Set a ratio; for using essential oils in a diffuser, read the complete usage instructions that may come with your choice of diffuser. Depending upon the diffuser's size, use only the needful amount of essential oils and do not exceed the limit.

§  Adjust the dilution rate; typically, adding up to 15 drops of essential oils in 6-7 drops of carrier oil makes the right mix for adult usage. For children, use 2-3 drops of essential oils and mix them into 5-6 drops of carrier oils. The best is to start with the lowest and gradually increase the essential oil amount to reach an optimum dilution level.

§  Do a patch test; for topical usage, doing a patch test before applying the essential oil on the skin is a good idea. This test can help users understand their skin’s reaction to the oil. Apply the diluted essential oil on a clean and dry part of your forearm and wait for a few hours to see the results. In case of discomfort, do not use that oil anywhere on your skin.

§  Check for expiry date; the essential oils work best before their expiry date. Like other products, almost all essential oils also expire and become somewhat rancid. Do not buy more bottles than your requirement and always prefer buying a fresh product.

§  Store it properly; try to store these essential oils properly to use them for the longest time. The best is to place them in a cold and dark place with no direct sunlight. You may also place small bottles in the refrigerator as the cold temperature doesn’t affect their quality like warm temperatures. Make sure to wrap them inside an airtight bag to avoid your food getting the aromatic fragrance.


Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage
Aromatherapy for Beginners: Information on Best Essential Oils, their Benefits, and Usage

Side Effects of Essential Oils

Most aromatherapy oils are safe for daily use, but some tips can make their experience safer, especially if the user is on some daily medications. For example, avoid applying the essential oils to the skin directly, make sure to do the patch test.

Underage people, pregnant and nursing mothers should only use essential oils or aromatherapy after consulting a doctor. Do not consume any essential oils or add the cosmetic version in any food recipe, unless it is a dietary supplement.

Taking the aromatherapy oils wrong can result in the following.

è Skin rashes, irritation, or hives

è Allergic reactions

è Headache

è Flu

è Nausea and vomiting

**These side effects go away on their own and don’t require emergency medical care. If they don’t vanish and start to worsen, it is time to see a doctor.

Check out the link below for some amazing products. 


The Final Word

Exploring the essential oils tells that it is necessary to pay attention to picking the right type of oil and use it to result in healing benefits. Aromatherapy is generally safe and has no side effects. Still, it is better to talk to your doctor if you have an underlying medical condition or use it as a complementary therapy. Note that aromatherapy is not an alternative to medically approved treatments, especially for chronic conditions, i.e., heart diseases.

These oils can lift your mood, make you feel better, and improve the quality of life only when used the right way. For more information on how to use essential oils at home, try consulting a herbalist or an integrative medicine expert.


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    1. Thank you so much Sussan for sharing such a valuable information here with me and with the audience. I am sure that it would really help in treating people and getting rid of the scam, our some other doctors are making with the innocent lives.
      Keep Sharing such nice things.
      I will appreciate that.
      Take care and Stay safe.


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