Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know

Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know
Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know

If you think a chiropractor cannot do any right other than fixing a stiff neck, it is high time to know the surprising benefits chiropractic treatment can offer. Most people visit a chiropractor's clinic for pain relief or stiffness in muscles, but many of them come again because of the health advantages they experience afterward. This practice uses the different intensity of force applied to targeted muscles that improve the neurological connection between the brain and the body, which governs all the organs and systems.

 The U.S. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health reports chiropractic therapy to be the most common alternative therapy for back pain. At many as 74% of the U.S. adults have tried chiropractic treatment for relieving pain at some point in their conventional medicinal treatment. Let's find out what the practice offers and who should consider chiropractic therapy for a natural musculoskeletal recovery.

Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know
Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know

What Is Chiropractic Treatment?

Chiropractors are certified practitioners who use specialized techniques to add pressure on the spine for re-arranging the body's alignment. It mainly targets the spine and works effectively on the muscles allowing the body to heal without surgery or taking medicines. 

The spinal manipulation helps restore the muscular function and mobility, damaged by injury, stress, or disease. It is considered an alternative pain relief procedure for affected muscles, joints, and bones, including connective tissues (ligaments, tendons, etc.). Sometimes it is followed in addition to the conventional medicinal treatment.


Stages of Chiropractic Care

 There are three stages of every Chiropractic care plan.  Completing all three stages provides multiple health benefits that most people do not associate with or expect from Chiropractic treatment.

Stage One- ‘Relief’

If a person is suffering from chronic pain and cannot move freely, getting treatment from a certified chiropractor will do the best for him. Based on his symptoms and type of injury, the chiropractor will identify the issue and release joint restrictions, that are called "subluxations." If not removed, these subluxations can hinder brain-body communication causing immense pain and distress. 

At this point, the chiropractor will plan multiple sittings every week for up to four weeks or until the muscle pain eases. He may also recommend using home-remedies i.e., icing, stretching to maximize chiropractic benefits.

Phase Two- ‘Recovery’

At this level, the pain starts to heal as the body changes and begins to recover. But just because the muscle feels less painful does not mean that a person should end his chiropractic sessions. When pain symptoms start to diminish, the muscle damage, especially the soft tissue damage, is still not fully recovered. 

The body requires complete healing, which is why it is necessary to complete the sessions. By the end of this phase, the communication between the brain and the body is improved. Here, the patient only needs one or two sessions per week. In addition to the chiropractic practices, strength training at home or gym can also speed up the natural recovery.

Phase Three- ‘Wellness’

The famous slogan of 'no pain, no gain' perfectly fits here as this stage is associated with countless benefits that come with having chiropractic treatment. Typically, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort at this stage. Most visits at phase three are for maintenance and get maximum out of the routine chiropractic care. These visits are scheduled once in two weeks or a month. A chiropractor advises following a healthy diet and moderate exercise to keep the progress going.


Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know
Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know 

Scientific Proof of Chiropractic Treatment

There are a good number of studies that suggest using chiropractic techniques for treating various muscle and nerves-related disorders. For example, a study from 2018 reviewed the studies conducted in the last 17 years on spinal manipulation and mobilization. This review suggests that these treatments can ease the pain, especially the lower back pain, calling the chiropractic practices a "viable" treatment for pain. 

Another study investigates the efficiency of spinal manipulation for treating pain in the lower back. Reportedly, it found that following this treatment for six weeks helped all patients to experience pain reduction. However, more studies are needed to formulate a standard treatment duration and frequency for every disease.


What Does It Treat?

Most people who consider chiropractic treatment suffer from a spinal disorder that induces severe musculoskeletal pain or nerve pain in their bodies. Just like a medical doctor, a chiropractor completes the complete testing of a patient, including physical and neurological testing to diagnose the problem. 

The imaging reports such as X-rays, MRIs, and C.T. scans can help complete this diagnosis and give them a clearer picture of the problem area.

Following is a list of common problems that affect millions of people worldwide.  Surprisingly, almost all of them receive chiropractic treatment benefits, leading to a complete recovery without surgery.

è Muscle Sprains And Strains

Every three out of four people fall experience muscle-related problems such as muscle strain or sprain at some point in their life. A sprain is a condition in which the body's ligament (the soft tissue that clamps the muscles together) is torn or damaged. On the other side, muscular strain involved damaged tendons (which attach muscles to the bones).

 When you lift something heavy, play a vigorous sport, bend/ twist at wrong angles, or fall and injure yourself, any of these two can hit you. It induces a sharp, excruciating, and stabbing pain, which is not treatable with ordinary painkillers. Fortunately, Chiropractic treatment can benefit people suffering from a muscle strain or muscle sprain, with or without requiring medicines.

è Arthritis Pain

The American College of Physicians has issued guidelines for arthritis patients supporting non-pharmacologic therapies such as chiropractic treatment for easing arthritis pain. Considering its widespread popularity, many hospitals have added chiropractic treatment as a part of their spine care department.  Chiropractic treatment reduces the musculoskeletal pain in the neck, back, hip, and knees of arthritis patients.

Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know
Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know 

è Coccydynia

It is a particular type of pain felt in the tailbone at the end of the spine? Most patients experience coccydynia after having an accident that involves falling with force. People who sit for long hours, such as office jobholders, also experience this pain. However, Chiropractic Treatment offers hidden benefits for coccydynia patients, irrespective of the cause of pain.

è Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)

These are age-related diseases that make a person lose his natural flexibility and elasticity of muscles. With age, the intervertebral discs that hold the vertebrae together are damaged, strained, or misused. They become thin and fail to facilitate shock absorption. People with these disc diseases find it hard to mobilize, but a certified chiropractor can help them regain their spine strength and walk freely.

è Bulge, A ruptured or Herniated disc

A chiropractor can treat a misalignment in the spine, which causes problems associated with spinal discs. This treatment also works on the nerve issues, targeting the root cause of this problem in a non-surgical way.

è Cervicogenic Headaches

Chiropractic treatment can also treat cervicogenic headaches, commonly called 'neck pain' or 'neck strain.' This type of headache originates from the head's backside in the temples regions and sometimes shifts towards the eyes. Some people mistake it for migraines and cluster headache, so over the counter (OTC) painkillers usually fail to treat it.

Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know
Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know 

è Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Myofascial pain is triggered when the sensitive pain points on muscles are affected. It is possible to treat myofascial pain syndromes by working on the myofascial trigger points using a manual type of pressure-based therapy. Chiropractors can also use techniques such as 'active anchor-and-stretch myofascial release' to ease the pain.

è Sciatica

Sciatica is a condition when the body adds pressure on the sciatic nerve resulting in triggering it. This pain travels from spine to knee in one or both legs. Chiropractic treatment for sciatica can comprise massage therapy, heat and cold compresses, cold laser therapy, spinal decompression, and lifestyle changes, all of which can offer surprising benefits for sciatica patients.


Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know
Surprising Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment That Everyone Should Know 


§  Piriformis syndrome

§  Short leg or leg length discrepancy

§  Spondylosis/ spinal osteoarthritis

§  Whiplash


Are Chiropractors Real Medical Doctors?

Yes, all chiropractors are doctors who complete four-year extensive medical training before getting a certification. However, they cannot replace a medical doctor. The only difference between chiropractors and doctors is that unlike doctors, they complete their education and training in 'biomechanics' whereas medical doctors' study 'pharmaceuticals.' The certification of a chiropractor is called "doctor of chiropractor."

Unlike medical doctors, chiropractors cannot prescribe medicines to their patients. They rely on spinal manipulations, rehab stretches, and various exercises to treat their patients. Unlike medications, there is no risk or addiction linked to chiropractic practices.


Side Effects of Chiropractic Treatment

One of the biggest questions on chiropractic treatment is its safety. Fortunately, there are no considerable side effects of this non-surgical treatment; however, some patients may experience mild problems after spinal manipulation, such as fatigue, stress, headache, discomfort. These problems don't require medical care and often vanish on their own after resting for a few hours.

The long-term side effects of chiropractic practices are rare, and the American Chiropractic Association reports most of these side effects to resolve within 24 hours without using a medicine. However, chiropractic manipulation may not be safe for some people, especially those who have broken bones, circulatory problems, rheumatoid arthritis, and nervous system infections.


The Final Word

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and non-medicinal treatment for various musculoskeletal problems. It is an alternative therapy that is safe for everyone. Based on the symptoms, stage, and level of pain and discomfort, chiropractic treatment can benefit almost all pain-associated diseases. 


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