Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?


Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?

Autumn is here, and the world is all set to step into winter while battling with a pandemic, economic shifts, and political reassignments. Because of the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, this year,  the environmental issues have not received the attention it typically takes every year.

 More than seven million people lose their lives every year due to air pollution, as per the World Health Organization’s data. Every nine in ten people breathe into an air that contains high levels of pollutants, exposing them to the risk of multiple diseases. Smog, temperature shift, and severity of seasons are threats to the climate and human health. Air pollution is involved in several diseases such as respiratory infections, heart diseases, allergies, premature deaths, lung cancer, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Governments and international organizations are working side by side to control the environmental changes but are this situation really going to be better without individual contribution? What can people do on a smaller scale to contribute to a better future? Health experts and researchers agree that planting more trees for the future is probably the simplest solution for this global issue. Besides, this is an educational and fun thing, especially with friends, families, or younger kids. Here is everything to know why planting trees is the best strategy for a better future. 

Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?
Trees for Future

What are the benefits of trees?

The significance of trees starts from primary school books, where teachers explain to the students how trees are essential for life on earth. From breathing oxygen to climatic changes, everything is explained in these books. Most people don’t know that trees hold the soil together, soak the excessive water, and prevent the flood. They also reduce the weather's intensity and provide shelter and habitat to many species and maintain the natural food cycle. 

In highly populated urban areas, having more trees also reduces the ozone layer damage, thus protecting from solar radiation. More than 80% of forests are destroyed already, and nearly 52% of the wildlife species are extinct. If ignored, 25,000 different species will also go extinct within the next 25 years. 

Having more trees around means that all these problems would be solved, eventually. But all these are obvious benefits, so how would this plantation of the trees for the future help people individually? 


Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?
Trees for Future

Why focusing on planting trees? 

In addition to the already known tree benefits, there are many more reasons to play a part in a better future by planting trees. However, some people may like to question why this better future is associated with planting trees? There are other things too, which require attention and action, but why do environmentalists focus on trees? 

Trees are necessary for the health and life of every person, whether someone agrees or not. It is a rather bold claim, and here are the reasons to prove it right. 

Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?
Trees for Future

è Trees reduce the greenhouse effect 

Trees can extract excessive carbon from the environment and use it to make oxygen necessary for life on earth. But another aspect of this phenomenon is that trees can reduce the carbon levels while making oxygen, which helps in one of the biggest environmental problems of this century- global warming. One mature tree can extract approximately 48 pounds of carbon dioxide in one year as per an estimate. 

The excessive carbon dioxide can cause the temperature to rise, re-shaping the overall climatic change. Thousands of scientistic agree that the Earth is going through a ‘climate emergency’ situation, and without trees, the earth's temperature will continue to rise. Along with other greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide is a threat to the environment, which is why its levels have to be controlled. Interestingly, planting more trees in the future can speed up this process and increase this natural recovery process.


Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?
Trees for Future

è Trees improve social and economic cultures

The role of trees in temperature balancing is one thing, but plantations can also help change the quality of life for millions of people from all parts of the world. In developing countries, the plantation can strengthen economic infrastructure, creating more work opportunities and jobs. Planting trees is not just a hobby but also a career. According to the United Nations, planting trees can help 16 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before 2030. This agenda is more of a holistic approach where everyone can play his part by planting more trees. In different underdeveloped countries, tree plantation or re-forestation projects create more employment opportunities for the local communities. In a way, this is an autonomous approach that can be naturally passed on to the next generation to reduce environmental problems in the future. 


Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?
Trees for Future

è Trees save biodiversity 

There are so many animals, plants, and insect species that thrive on trees to live, including some endangered species. Nearly 80% of the world's total species are found in the forests, and without trees, all of these species will become extinct. 

With increased deforestation, there is a high chance of biodiversity loss. It adds up to the global environmental crisis and deprives various species of their only chance to survive. Many people would be surprised to know that not just on land, trees inside the sea also play a huge part in maintaining the aquatic ecosystem and food web. They provide a shelter for nesting and space for the juvenile territory to the marine animals. 

è Trees control humidity and soil conditions 

Trees can hold the soil particles and regulate humidity in the air in all parts of the world. It takes place through the natural water cycle where trees absorb the air, and through transpiration, they filter and control the water vapors in the air, causing air to be humid or dry. Trees also improve soil conditions, help in the fertility of the land, crop yield, flooding, and drought prevention. 


Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?
Trees for Future

What’s the right time to plant trees?

If all the reasons mentioned above have convinced you to play your part, you will be happy to know that September to November is the best period for planting new trees in the Northern hemisphere. Planting trees during the fall season can help the roots to anchor themselves in the soil before the freezing months start. The trees and shrubs planted during the fall months are also more resistant to cold, heat, pest attacks, flooding, and droughts in the following months. 

Typically, cold or humid weather is perfect for newly planted trees as the seasonal rains can provide it with all the water that it needs to grow. But the weather is dry with a lesser chance of seasonal rains; the newly planted tree would need up to 20 gallons of water weekly until they start to grow on their own.

The best is to pick ever-green trees and not seasonal trees because they are less likely to stand against the cruel chilly winter. So, ever-green or perennials are best for this tress for the Future initiative. 

Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?
Trees for Future

How can you help?

There are many regional and international organizations working on planting trees for future generations' project. These projects are mostly charity/funding based or accept volunteer services. As tree plantation costs only a small amount, these organizations are always working because they need only a small amount to run. Donating to such organizations is one option, but if there is a regional organization working in your area, you can also volunteer for it. Some of these organizations include the following.

è American Forests Global ReLeaf

è The International Tree Foundation

è Rainforest Rescue 

You can also support eco-friendly projects, alternatives, and products to reduce environmental damage. If you own a property, planting trees in it can also make some impact on your community. 

Bonus- if you plant shady trees on the southern or western side of your property, it can help you save up to 25% of the cooling cost and increase your property's natural beauty. And if that is a fruit tree, you can enjoy home-grown fruits too. There is absolutely no way that planting trees for the future can go wrong for anyone. 

Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?
Trees for Future


As per scientific studies, the climate is getting warmer every year, implying that environmental damage is faster than our thought. Looking at the stars in the night can easily explain that there is no other planet to live on if this environment suddenly stops supporting human life. 

While all species are battling for their survival, everything on Earth is dependent upon each other. Having more trees around can speed up this cooperation, and echo-friendly approaches and reducing deforestation can gradually help control and overcome this damage. Everyone has to play his part and join hands to plant more trees for a better future for everyone.


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