The Difference Between PAKISTAN Vs EUROPE Education System

The Difference Between PAKISTAN VS EUROPE Education System

Undoubtedly, education is the prime concern for every country to deal with in today’s era, as it’s the greatest treasure and instrument for a nation to get away with problems like social and economic. Many nations have introduced numerous educational based programs as well as study-modes in their country to spread a better living standard’s perception in people’s minds.

By adopting education in daily life can adhere individual person to the different exceptional quality of perceiving learning the framework of “How to Live better or Work better” which can produce changes among society as well as the nation’s economic growth.

The Difference Between PAKISTAN Vs EUROPE Education System
Educational System

Thus, education can overcome certain different imperfections from a nation while providing a great sense of thinking and knowledge along with various opportunities in society. This helps a nation to grow well and live well.

European Education System:

If you're planning to arrange education overseas then you might consider Europe as the best option as well as the cheapest alternative to induce a degree from the best educational institutes/ universities in Europe.

Usually, students ordinarily began their ponders in Europe at the age of approximately 18, has completed essential and secondary education after that they get their admissions into higher educational institutions where they had to pass some tests and interviews as required according to the universities requirements which do contrast from nation to nation respectively.

The framework of education differs on a numerous scale from levels provided in institutions to the number of courses which are going to study. As there are 44 countries in Europe acquiring various living standards, educational systems, and study-mode.

The Difference Between PAKISTAN Vs EUROPE Education System
Educational System

As compared to other nations, Europe has the most advantages for students while providing an exceedingly strong and multicultural scholarly environment and you will need to meet enough of English learning programs to gain command and other 24 official languages in European union like German, French is the main one’s, need to be polished while living in Europe where these languages are quite important to communicate.

Is Education FREE in EUROPE?

Yes, here you will gain various benefits in terms of education like you don’t indeed get to pay educational cost expenses because many universities and colleges situated in Europe are providing scholarship programs, while many top-ranked universities are found in the respective nation.

But it should be noted that other expenses like living and staying in hotels, as well as Health protection expenses, should be managed by oneself. All of the interested candidates who consider the thought of examining overseas ought to unquestionably take note to see a nation from Europe for higher education because it’s the best option indeed.

The Difference Between PAKISTAN Vs EUROPE Education System
Educational System

Europe is one of the most seasoned populated countries comprise of 44 countries where each nation has its own different specialty fully soaks in past histories, while being so ancient there's always something modern and new to find in these nations, notwithstanding the study goal you'll select.

People from European them-selves also take admission in their national universities without a second thought. As there are many advantages for them including costs free-educational colleges in their different nations include Sweden, Germany, Denmark, and Norway.

What makes European Education Better than Pakistan Education System?

The European education system is based on 33 European countries acquiring various individual systems of education. If we talk about worldwide rankings of higher education systems among different nations over the world, then we will be considering their worth about their performance in research and educating styles and their extreme model of studies.

In the mean-time, it is observed that rankings are centrally used to make statements for students to consider an image whether good or bad for their thoughts clearance and the satisfaction that which university or college will work best and suitable for them to study. This thought shows that the quality of higher education can be compared significantly across the nation.

The Difference Between PAKISTAN Vs EUROPE Education System
Educational System

As Europe is a developed country so it has a higher developed educational system having old well-known universities which many students dream of. In 2018, approximately 40% of the young Europeans had obtained a degree which shows that people are more inclined to the education system as it’s the highest percent of degree achieving.

The nations have some area specified universities like Medicines, Art and Technology, and some practical as well as engineering and social sciences with properly applied facilities. Europe has terms for transferring qualification from one nation to another named as Bologna process and other is the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) which is used as a grading system.

What Flaws does Pakistan Education System Have?

If we talk about Pakistan, by 2017 research report it was noted that only 3% of the age from 17-23 were enrolled in colleges and universities which is sadly proved to be the lowest rate all over the world.

Apart from this, the main reason was noted is the lack of teaching and learning facilities including laboratories, governing authorities itself and quality of academics is too poor. Hence, it requires a strong systematic structure and an awareness of quality teaching training programs and the concepts of education seminars and workshops are totally absent.

Advance bits of knowledge into insights on the matter paints a bleak picture of the country’s desire for education. Hence it was search out that 23 million children were not allowed to take part in school out of 51.17 million children in Pakistan in total. Moreover, there is a deficiency in schools and colleges in Pakistan.

The Difference Between PAKISTAN Vs EUROPE Education System
Educational System

Pakistan’s educational system is kinda based on rote learning as well as simply memorization which causes a student to think and perceive the teachings respectively and repetitively without any innovation, therefore in the long-term, it may cause a student to get habitual and dependent on understanding through words only.

Instead, we should give the young mind a separate place of learning and individual act of adopting critically innovative steps. People in Pakistan are much more lying on the educational institution but not on a self-learning, their minds are made up like this from start to just learning what’s in the book and taught in classrooms for getting good grades in exams that’s it.

This is the main reason why they feel difficulties while settling abroad because their way of thinking perceiving is much slow and less innovative than a student who’s been studying in a foreign/ homeland country from the start and have a remarkable sense of learning.

How Can We Improve the Education System in Pakistan?

We can improve the education system in Pakistan by expanding the idea of imaginative exercises into student’s syllabus from primary till secondary levels and hence it will support students in a different originating manner like their skills and level of thoughts will increase in a good long-term manner and they actually get involve openly into study-mode.

Some other scholarship programs should also get introduced in the society which can help a student mainly those who can’t afford the expenses but are really intelligent in studies will get a chance to take part in higher studies with great fervor and passion, this causes a motivational link to get children more towards education.

Moreover, the reasonable assessment and choice of teachers at all levels must be acknowledged and they should be interviewed first before getting into the job, the main cause might be less teaching skills. If they get corrected maybe we will be in succeeded in improving the educational system in Pakistan.

The Difference Between PAKISTAN Vs EUROPE Education System
Educational System

Some advanced educating strategies through extraordinary educational preparation programs must be in contact with teachers on various levels, beneath the direction and supervision of administrative department associations and scholarly specialists and educationists that we as of now have in our nation will bear the specified comes about.

Other than this, Viable/Practical training should also get introduce which can come up with a way better assurance, feasibility and good quality of life which especially apply to the education sectors having a high chance to frequently engage these training practices with students to catch a great mode of studies.

Well apart from this, the examination should be taken open book while examining the student’s mind that how much he consumed the knowledge and at what point they can apply to various extents instead of memorizing the book based content. This will cause great credibility in the student’s minds and will smartly drive their minds.


While the education system may differ from nation to nation, because every country comprises of various living standards as well as how much as nation individual they are developed and equipped with lots of resources or not, this might be the greatest reason why Pakistan is less or lacks higher education strategies and struggling through it so much by the bad educational system.

Educational sectors should introduce practical studies, training in the educational institution which might help students in future learning and later in professional scopes. Theoretical learning must initiate in tertiary levels of education (beyond high school/ graduate credentials) where they can develop a sense of understanding cognitive-based knowledge and skills.

Making students more inclined towards practical work can cause essential skills within individual personnel like how much he is good at work and it may cause them to think in different scientific attitudes and can make their future worth valuable. Europe is known to be the best in the education system but Pakistan needs to work harder to explore better results.


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