10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight at Home


10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight at Home

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Weight loss has been the highest-rated concern nowadays for many individuals. In recent research, the obesity rate has been the highest in this decade. It should be an eye-opener for individuals as it may lead to several cardiovascular diseases, elevated blood glucose, and whatnot.

Most people find themselves in trouble when they think they need to lose weight or stick to a 'diet.' This is because losing weight is no easy feat, especially when you have no trainer, guide, or time allocated to the cause.

We have listed our top ten ways to lose weight at home, without getting lost in the labyrinth of diet culture, and you can do this all from your very own comfort zone.

Setting up a routine

The first and foremost step to losing weight at home is to manage your lifestyle. Weight loss can be achieved without any effort when you develop a proper mindset. That means you need to set a proper routine—for example, planning your meals ahead of time, getting proper rest, and scheduling your day beforehand proves to be fruitful in the journey of losing weight. When you already plan a day before time, you get eager to achieve all the tasks listed in their to-do list.

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Keeping Hydrated

One of the significant steps in achieving your goal weight is to increase your water intake. Water is the only fluid that causes no harm when taken in massive amounts. A well-hydrated body works at an optimum rate. Hence one feels fresh and energetic throughout the day. Water does not only aid the weight loss process but also increases your skin's collagen production, which gives you a glow. That's two strikes with a single arrow!

Pro tip: Drink warm water on an empty stomach as it reduces the body's cellulite deposition. Adding a teaspoonful of Organic Apply cider vinegar also assists the metabolism and reduces cravings.

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Portioning your meals

There is no need to stick to fancy diets. You can eat everything but stick to a specific portion. A healthy lifestyle can opt when you eat everything in moderation. Fixing up an adequate size organizes your meals and makes you feel determined towards your goal. The best thing about portioning meals is that you can also include your favorite foods into your diet, sticking to the moderation formula. So, no more restrictions from donuts!

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Eating Fiber-rich foods

Dietary fiber is the best among the nutrients, as it helps you lose weight and maintain healthy blood pressure. It also makes the body effectively produce insulin, which maintains blood glucose levels. Incorporating enough fiber in your meals also reduces the future chances of gaining weight or depositing extra fat in your body. Studies show that people who eat 10 grams of soluble fiber per day without any major diet changes decrease their fat buildup.

Fiber can be found in almost every food. However, it is a significant constituent of the following food items:

·         Fruits like berries, oranges, avocados, and apples

·         Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, asparagus

·         Whole-grain items like Oats, quinoa, whole-wheat items, Barley

·         Lentils and beans

·         Nuts and seeds

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Loading up on proteins

Protein is known for being the master of the nutrient, as it is the building block of amino acids in our body. Proteins pack loads of benefits for you and extraordinarily contribute to weight loss. They are included in most diet plans and are a major factor in your weight loss journey.

Consuming a high-protein diet has lots of health benefits like:

·         Increase metabolism, which in turn increases the body's tendency to absorb nutrients

·         Reduce hunger and cravings by making you feel fuller after meals

·         Boosts muscle and bones strength

·         Maintain a healthy blood pressure

·         Increases the body's ability to burn fat

·         Helps regulate hormones

So, proteins have proven to be the most vital and enriched source of comprehensive health benefits. You can find protein in chicken, mutton, eggs, lentils, milk, cottage cheese oats, and broccoli.

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Mindful eating

The key to losing weight is by maintaining a mind-body connection. This mind connection is essential as it plays a vital role in regulating body weight. You can do mindful eating by being aware of the food you're consuming and how you are consuming it. Ever heard of the proverb 'you are what you eat'?

Consumption of healthy foods makes the body and mind healthy in return. Mindful eating also includes your eating habits.

·         We suggest to take small bites and chew them properly.

·         Any sorts of disturbances should be avoided like watching television or using mobile phones while you eat, as it not only diverts the attention but can also cause you to overeat.

·         Avoid immediate water intake after your meals as it causes bloating; you should drink water at least 30 minutes before meals.

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

·         Do not lay down after eating or start walking as soon as you eat because this may hinder digestion and cause heat burns or nausea. We suggest remaining sedentary after consuming meals and giving your body the time to process them.

Maintaining a Calorie Deficit

To successfully achieve your desired weight, portion your food according to a specific calorie count. You can achieve this by multiplying your desired weight (in pounds) by 10 or 12. Eat your food so that you get the proper and needed calories only. It is prescribed by nutritionists to eat less than 500 calories per meal to see significant body changes.

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Calories the deficit can also be calculated by your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), which gives the number of calories you burn while resting. Keeping a calorie check makes protein controlling easier and wiser. It also causes the person to be aware of his consumption by making him read the food labels.

Adapting a mini exercise regime

A mini exercise regime can include a brisk walk, choosing stairs instead of the elevator, increasing small body movement, opting for cardio exercises, strength training, or whatever suits the body. But physical exercise is an essential factor when it comes to losing weight. As it also improves mental health and has been proven to elevate moods and boost happy hormones of the body.

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

The calorie deficit sure does help lose weight and causes you to lose muscle mass and water weight. Hence, weight loss alone is not healthy. For you to get into a healthy body shape, fat loss should be your primary focus. Fat loss includes the removal of fat cells from the body and not the muscle mass. Your body needs muscles to process half of the activities; therefore, it is crucial to maintain them. Healthy muscles keep the body energetic and increase metabolism, which in exchange increases the fat loss process.

Avoid processed foods

Processed foods include all the sugary drinks, chips, biscuits, savory snacks, tinned fruits and vegetables, and easy to make meals. These junk and processed foods are the biggest culprits among all the foods which aid in instant weight gain. Though it is effortless to make and consume them, there are many health diseases in disguise hidden within them.

Processed foods are come with limited calories and have excessive amounts of sodium in them, which dehydrate the body. They are also speedy to digest as they have a shallow nutritional value and do not have noticeable vitamins and minerals.

Processed foods have an excess of sugar and trans-fat in them, which are addictive and cause cravings for them but cause inflammation in the body.

The bottom line is to avoid such foods as they hinder the weight loss process and cause health conditions like heart diseases, and gastrointestinal disorders, etc.

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Getting proper sleep and avoiding stress

Sleep is crucial for the body as it needs time to relapse from a tiring day and recharge itself. It is also essential in the weight loss journey. Sleeping gives time to our hormones to secrete at their optimum rate and hence induce a relaxing state. Our body goes through a lot of stress during the day and needs time to regain energy. If deprived of it, it can be injurious to your health.  

It would be best if you get sleep at-least six to seven hours at night so that your body gets time to repair and store energy for the next day. Sleeping around midnight is highly recommended as it recycles the body's internal clock.

Ten Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Being low on sleep delays the secretion of the hormones, which can lead to:

·         Weight gain

·         Hair loss

·         Irritability

·         Mental diseases

·         Fatigue

·         Early aging

·         Difficulty in remembering and focusing


The ten above mentioned tips are highly effective when done simultaneously and with determination. With the proper knowledge and focused mindset, nothing is impossible to achieve, even weight loss.

Incorporating a nutritious and balanced diet with proper physical exercises leads to a healthy body and improved wellbeing. Focusing on only one aspect, such as instant weight loss, fails to produce desired results, lowers self-confidence, and becomes harmful for your health. Your health should always be your number one priority and should never be compromised.

Also, Read: Endless benefits of Miracle Tree (Moringa)


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