Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong


Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong

Did you ever think that the chicken you love so much could cause you to end up in the hospital? Or those almonds you eat to sharpen your memory can quite possibly kill you?

No? Well, that is why we are here! This article will tell you about the top 10 foods that are healthy, but if eaten wrong, it can be perilous for you. This article is not to scare you, but rather this is to be healthier and possibly avoid illness and pain.


Are you surprised to see milk on the list? Most people don't expect milk to be on a list of potentially dangerous foods. Milk is one of the most beneficial natural drinks out there. Milk has different sources like cows and goats; it contains many vitamins, proteins, and minerals essential for human body development, growth, and nourishment.

We usually assume milk to be 100 percent trustworthy and consumable. Well, is it so? Drinking too much milk can cause cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. Yes, that's true, and also, the abundant amounts of calcium milk give us can cause genital cancer in men and women. The best way to consume milk is in acceptable amounts. Drinking massive amounts of milk every day can open windows to such diseases. Do not forget to boil the milk at every cost, as bacteria in raw and unpasteurized milk can be hazardous to consume.

Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong


Bread is available in many types: white, oats, brown, and many more. They are made commercially at factories, and almost every house will have a loaf of bread with perfectly cut slices in them. Bread provides a fulfilling meal, and you can customize it with whatever you want. 

Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong

The processed bread everyone loves is causing you to harm each time you eat it. It contains many preservatives, additional flavors, and other compounds that provide you with no health benefits. Instead, those added preservatives and compounds harm the body, and it is difficult to digest it completely.

If it is a homemade and fresh loaf of bread, which contains the needed proteins, fibers, vitamin C, and other nutrients, the risk of heart diseases and obesity decreases. In a nutshell, you should try avoiding or consuming less packaged white bread.


Often referred to as liquid gold, honey is a natural sweetener that has fantastic benefits and taste. Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties as well as the ability to lower cholesterol. Used by people worldwide, honey is one of the most widely used natural sweeteners in a processed and healthy form.

Then how is that honey can be harmful to you? The answer lies in its raw form. Raw honey has multiple toxins. Its consumption, even the smallest amount, can lead to extreme headaches, vomiting, and instant dizziness. One of the bacteria's in raw honey is Clostridium botulinum. This bacterium can be extremely harmful to babies and smaller children and can lead to paralysis and push to other life-threatening scenarios.

Thankfully, you can avoid this by only buying pasteurized and processed honey widely available everywhere. A quick peek at the packaging can most probably save your life. 

Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong


Elderberries are one of the most widely used medicinal plants used. From ancient times in Egypt and Native In America, people used elderberries in folk medicine or food items like jams and desserts, or skincare, and health issues. The list continues how industries use elderberries to date in various sections of different industries.

Yet these very berries, which you might find in pies and fillings, can be one of the most dangerous food in the world. Though these tart berries are rich in nutrients and very intensely flavored, their seeds and leaves are deadly. Are you surprised? Most people are too when they find out that these seeds and leaves contain glycosides, which are cyanide-producing compounds. Let's say you ignore the deadly poison; the berries themselves, when eaten raw and unripe, cause nausea, diarrhea, and other sicknesses. In high amounts, it might even induce a coma and, in some cases, death. 

Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong


Dieticians' favorite and delicious, shellfish are a source of food with lean proteins, Omega-3 fatty acid, and many more healthy nutrients necessary for the body. They help with weight loss, boost the body's immunity, and make for a healthy heart and brain.

Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong

So, shellfish provide a healthy and balanced diet and are ideal for people looking to lose weight, yet it can all go downhill before you even realize it. Shellfish are very difficult to cook correctly. It would help if you had specific expertise to cook them the finest. If not, and eat some raw, undercooked crustaceans, you can end up with several diseases and illnesses. The contaminants in those raw shellfish can be very harmful and cause all sorts of allergic reactions.

To avoid this all, make sure you eat correctly cleaned and fully cooked shellfish. Along with that, be aware that these go bad very quick, and spoilt shellfish can cause food poisoning.



Did you know that in Tokyo alone, 23 people died in the year 200 due to a fish called Fugu? You probably have heard of this costly and very delicate Japanese pufferfish. So, you also might know how deadly and dangerous eating this fish can be. However, as they say, 'You only live once,' people every year try to get a taste of this delicacy.

It can be a whole new experience eating this pufferfish. Made by the only expert with decades of experience, the fish can paralyze and kill you if not made properly. The Fugu fish ovaries, liver, and intestines are 200 times more poisonous than cyanide and need to be professionally removed by the chef before being served. So if you plan to get a taste of the infamous Japanese pufferfish, make sure it won't be the last meal you get served.

Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong


All nuts are useful and nutritious but not more than these are. Brazil nuts provide you with nutrients, healthy fats, loads of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. These provide the brain functioning, improve the cardiovascular and thyroid functions. 

Yet you shouldn't consume more than 1-3 nuts per day. Why is that so? Well, brazil nuts have high amounts of selenium in them. This mineral contains strong antioxidant properties that are vital for health. But too much selenium can be toxic and cause indigestion, memory problems, hair loss, and memory problems. It can be dangerous to your health.

Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong


Almonds are full of nutrients like healthy fats, fiber, proteins, magnesium, and vitamins. They even make your hair, skin, and nails healthy and shiny. Proved also to help sharpen your memory, lower blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol, they are vegan's favorite. Plus, almonds are tasty. These are nuts eaten worldwide and enjoyed with different foods and desserts.

Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong

People eat almonds all the time, yet they do not know that sometimes those bitter 'bad' ones they get are harmful. They increase the toxicity in the blood and can be fatally dangerous to kids. Nervous breakdowns, breathing issues, and other problems are associated with the consumption of bitter almonds. 


Chicken is the most consumed protein in the world. And rightfully so as it is delicious, cheap, low in fats, and nutritious. You can cook it any way you like. So you must be wondering, how can chicken be harmful to you? It depends on how long you cook it.

Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong

You should always cook your chicken through. Even being slightly underdone can cause infections in your urine, blood, bones, joints, and nervous system. It is basically because of salmonella. Raw chicken and eggs contain it, and consuming it can cause severe diseases. The best way to avoid this is to cook your chicken at 165 Fahrenheit or until you are 100 percent sure that you cooked it through, and you leave with a delicious meal.      


Top 10 Healthy Foods that can be Dangerous if Eaten Wrong

Finally, we close off this 'top 10 healthy foods that harm you when eaten wrong' list with none other than potatoes. Mashed potatoes, fried chips, baked or steamed – we all love them – pair them with any protein or eat them by themselves, they are delicious. They are widely available, inexpensive, and healthy as well. Potatoes provide us with a variety of nutrients such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Other than providing you with a balanced meal, they make your skin and nourish your hair.

But, like some vegetables that are left in poor conditions and left unattended for too long, potatoes start to turn green and grow sprouts. The glycol-alkaloids present in potatoes are potentially toxic and contain chemical compounds such as solanine and chaconine.

Health practitioners advise that you throw the potatoes out if they turn green and show sprouts on their surface. Please don't leave them in very damp or bright places and do not eat them at any cost. You could end up with diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pains.



You get one life and one body. Keeping it healthy and strong will make sure that you live a long and prosperous life. Eating healthy foods and consuming the right amount of nutrients is essential. And this is not only for the health nuts and gym-goers; overeating nuts, eating raw shellfish and proteins, packaged and preservative added foods, and rotten vegetables can be very harmful to your health fatal.

Always read the packaging, search about it online, and measure your food's right amounts to have a balanced diet that will only give you benefits.


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