
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Difference Between PAKISTAN Vs EUROPE Education System

The Difference Between PAKISTAN VS EUROPE Education System Undoubtedly, education is the prime concern for every country to deal with in today’s era, as it’s the greatest treasure and instrument for a nation to get away with problems like social and economic. Many nations have introduced numerous educational based programs as well as study-modes in their country to spread a better living standard’s perception in people’s minds. By adopting education in daily life can adhere individual person to the different exceptional quality of perceiving learning the framework of “How to Live better or Work better” which can produce changes among society as well as the nation’s economic growth. Educational System Thus, education can overcome certain different imperfections from a nation while providing a great sense of thinking and knowledge along with various opportunities in society. This helps a nation to grow well and live well. European Education System: If you're planning to arrange edu

COVID-19 Vaccine Trials: Everything that You Need to Know

  COVID-19 Vaccine Trials: Everything that You Need to Know Despite the advancements in sciences and technology, there are some situations where human knowledge is limited, and the struggle to find answers starts from zero. The same thing happened when coronavirus first emerged as a novel virus, which soon became a public health threat. Originally believed to be a bat-transmitted virus, it took nearly one year for the researchers to understand this virus to an extent. It is believed that there is a need for further investigation on the virus as the information on it is still lacking, and it keeps evolving. Some British scientists have warned that coronavirus has experienced nearly 4000 mutations and all of these mutated strains possess a threat to human health. So, where is this situation going, and more importantly, is there a way to stop it? The simple answer to this is that no one really knows it yet. Still, the medical community and the general global population have high exp

Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025?

  Planting Trees for Future Generations- Why do we need to plant more trees before 2025? Autumn is here, and the world is all set to step into winter while battling with a pandemic, economic shifts, and political reassignments. Because of the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, this year,   the environmental issues have not received the attention it typically takes every year.   More than seven million people lose their lives every year due to air pollution, as per the World Health Organization’s data. Every nine in ten people breathe into an air that contains high levels of pollutants, exposing them to the risk of multiple diseases. Smog, temperature shift, and severity of seasons are threats to the climate and human health. Air pollution is involved in several diseases such as respiratory infections, heart diseases, allergies, premature deaths, lung cancer, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Governments and international organizations are working side by side to contro