
Showing posts from February, 2020

Corona virus and its Complications

Coronavirus and its Complications The people who died from the Coronavirus were already sick and careless and relatively "older."  Two percent of the deaths occurred so far. It means that from 100,000 people who are affected by Coronavirus, only 2000 people died. Each year, 2.5 to 3.5 million people die from pneumonia. Last year, 450,000 deaths from malaria were reported. Every year, 17 million people die of a heart attack. 1.3 million people die of hepatitis. 3.8 million people die from diabetes. Even if coronavirus engulfs the whole world, healthy people will recover in three to ten days after common cold and fever. Only the elderly and those with previously fatal lung disease will have problems. Some doctors researched the root cause of the Coronavirus and they have concluded that it is caused due to air pollution and some changes in the atmosphere. People are so much afraid and conscious about it that every person is rushing towards the pharmacies a

How to Treat Corona Virus

How to Treat Corona Virus  The new coronavirus may not show any signs of infection for many days, how can one know if he/she is infected. By the time they have fever and/or cough and goes to the hospital, the lungs is usually 50% Fibrosis and it's too late. Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning. Have a look on that : Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stuffiness or tightness etc it shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicating no infection. In critical times, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air! SERIOUS EXCELLENT ADVICE by Japanese doctors treating Corona Virus 19 cases came to know that, Everyone should ensure that your mouth & throat is moist, and never DRY. Take a few sips of water every 15 mins at least. WHY? Even if the virus gets into your mouth...drinking water or other

Treatment of depression

Treatment of depression One day he was delivering a Friday sermon at a mosque, Dr. Omar Abdul-Kafi said. After prayer, a man with long hair and a long beard came to him. Surprisingly, he showed that he didn't care about himself at all. He told Dr. Omar: "I'm very slow, sleep a lot. I hardly wake up, I just wake up to eat and sleep again.  I ignore my work, my future, and everything else and I don't care. My kids think I'm a weird person and very boring.  I lack enthusiasm, and I'm always disappointed. What should I do please help me. Dr. Omar told him to say "Astagfirullah" at least 100 times a day, asking "God to apologize" and return to him after a week, explaining the result.  The man said: "I'm telling you I'm lazy, I sleep more than 15 hours a day. I'm ignoring my prayers, my children, and my work, and you are saying that I have to ask God for forgiveness". Dr. Omar said: "Come on, son. We are f

Treatment of Cancer

Treatment of Cancer Scientists found the cheapest cure for cancer. This item of Rs 2 will eliminate cancer from the root. Baking soda New Delhi: Great news for cancer patients. Scientists from all over the world, who have been seeking treatment for years, have finally broken down. So far, billions of rupees have been shed like water for cancer treatment worldwide, but no drug has passed to completely eliminate cancer. So far, the drugs that are in the market only prevent cancer from growing. A team of scientists from the American Living Institute for Cancer Research of American Scientists recently conducted some new research. The team was led by Canon's renowned scientist and oncologist (John Cancer) Dr. John Wan Dang of John Hoping University. "We have researched for years and so far all cancer treatments are very expensive," he said. The research we did yield amazing results. Baking soda in your kitchen is a cure for cancer. According to Dr. Dang

Cancer is not a disease but a business

Cancer is not a disease but a business You might not be convinced to hear that the word cancer is a lie and it is not a disease but a business. Cancer is nothing but vitamin B17 deficiency. Cancer is a deadly disease spread around the world and is affecting the elderly, young, children, and even people of all ages and classes. Sharing this astonishing post will unveil the faces of the fraudsters around the world and they will be revealed to the world. Did you know that a book called "The World Without Cancer" has been prevented from translating into many languages ​​so far? You should have to know that there is no disease in the world called cancer, but it only happens because of vitamin B17 deficiency. Avoid chemotherapy, surgery, and drugs having severe side effects. You will recall that in the past a large number of sailors had to be washed away from life due to famous scoliosis. And a lot of people made a lot of money from it. Finally, it was discove

Sad Reality of Pakistani Education System Vs European Education system

Sad Reality of Pakistani Education System Vs European Education system At present, Finland ranks first in terms of educational rankings, while "Superpower" America is ranked 20th. By 2020 Finland will be the only country in the world where no subject matter is found in schools. Any school in London has a maximum of 195 children and a teacher for 19 children. The longest break in the world takes place in Finland too, with children spending 75 minutes of their school time in breaks, with the second being a 57-minute break in New York schools, even if our parents find out If a school gives kids such a long break instead of "teaching" them, then get them out of school the next day. Well, you find interesting that there are only 20 hours of "teaching" in schools all week. Whereas 2 hours a day is just for teachers to increase their "skills". There is no school in the country for children before the age of seven and there is no regu

Women Rescue Campaign

Women Rescue Campaign Pregnant women are given lots of calcium from doctors. Avoid those things to which they call calcium and iron supplements. I have written down the facts, often seen in pregnant women and newborns suffering from serious problems. A friend's question Why Delivery Is Not Normal Nowadays? Although nowadays the most modern hospital has medical, facilities available. When a woman is hopeful, she immediately goes to the lady doctor  and she monitors the expected women regularly for nine months and put it under her supervision. She also eats the recommended medicines,  pay expensive fees. But when the time of delivery arrives, then why is the case not normal? Nine months of consuming folic acid and calcium pills - and despite applying venofer drips ... Why is there anemia at delivery? My dear The answer to this question is simple. The biggest reason for not having normal delivery ... Muscular tissues hardening. And moisturizing plate - Lyph

Wonderful Benefits of using Olive Oil and Isabgol Husk

Wonderful Benefits of using Olive Oil and Isabgol Husk One of the people came to me, he works with a very large oil-producing company in Qatar. He said, "I hear your teachings, and I am very useful." I want to serve you with some gifts. In my company, the English people, they never eat antibiotics, but they are fed up with the word of antibiotics. Once I ate antibiotics in front of him, he was surprised that you had so many high-potency antibiotics. He said to me that if you ever felt any problem, then do tell me. I will give you a gift. After some days, I felt a stomach problem which led to flatulence and then constipation. First, I tolerated it but the problem was getting severe. So I discussed it with one of my English friends who was working in the same company as an engineer.  I was taken to his room immediately, which was in a container. He took two bottles, read carefully, and then he took Isabgol husk from one bottle and olive oil from the other

Man can never hide three things

Man can never hide three things Love, Cough.! And the sound of eating Popcorn The card is the only great game in the world in which Men lift the Wife and then Throws. Some people dishonor with permission. ("Can I Say one thing if you don't mind") History is a witness. Ever since childhood, I have seen everything taking a turn back. Except for the shoe which, a Mother throws. In recognizing the girl, It takes us at least 30 to 35 years. The boys sitting in the last line of the class are sitting on the first line of the mosque on the day of the results. The situation of the country can be changed only by bachelors.  The married cannot even change the TV channel by their will. The similarity of the wife and the sun is that: There is no light in the eyes after looking at them both for continuous-time. Some people are so miser that if the post sounds good, they keep smiling and laughing but cannot do anything for the

The Best Source of Power

The Best Source of Power Eat figs that way and then see the benefits yourself Anjeer The fig is called the fruit of paradise. In the Holy Qur'an, Almighty has said, "By the fig or the olive and the tassina" (Surah Al-Tawen). It is a great blessing for the weak. It makes the body healthy and smooth. It gives a red and white color to the face. Figs are among the common and famous fruits. Anjeer is called figs in Bengali, three in Arabic, Figs in English, Bliss in Yemeni, Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, and figs in Gujarati and hangers in Punjabi. It is one of the most delicate fruits in normal fruits and automatically drops after-ripening and it is not possible to save for another day. Keeping it in the fridge bursts into the evening. The best way to use it is to dry it. During drying, sulfuric acid is given to sterilize it and finally submerged in saltwater so that after drying, the soft and creamy figs taste yummy.  This is why it is liked by people of all

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water A famous Heart specialist said that there are various benefits of drinking warm water on an empty stomach. He also said that anyone who shares this information with others will be able to save a lot of lives.  A team of Japanese doctors took a survey and searched that warm water will give 100% affects for whatever the condition it is used. Here are some of the benefits of drinking warm water: Severe Headache or Migraine High Blood Pressure Blood deficiency Arthritis Heart problem Treatment of epilepsy Fat, cholesterol Severe cough Anxiety Throat pain Asthma Black cough Blockage of the veins Bladder urine diseases Gastric ulcer Injured stomach Lack of appetite Eye and throat disease Method of Treatment Get up early in the morning and drink about 4 glasses of hot water, which is hot enough but not much that it will burn your tongue. Caution After drinking water, do not eat or drink anything for almost 45

Benefits of using EggShells (Ande k Chilke)

Benefits of using EggShells (Ande k Chilke) Egg peels may be discarded in your home as useless, but do you know that egg white and yellow peels also have many benefits in you? So quit discarding egg yolks from today and use them to solve small everyday problems in minutes. 1. Uses of Egg Peels  Make Calcium Supplements. An eggshell contains up to 5 mg of calcium so it is used in medicine as well. After satisfactory cleaning of the egg whites, grind them and make them powder and fill them in empty capsules. And use the capsule once a day as a calcium supplement. 2. Make a Tooth Cleaner Calcium in eggshells is useful in all dental diseases, such as toothache or gums. In the powder of egg whites, we add the seaweed to the weight and use this mixture as a marinade. Which will make the teeth white and strong. 3. Accelerate plant growth If proper calcium intake is not reached in the plants, they grow late or their growth is completely halted. To make the fertili

How to achieve Greater Happiness

Happiness There was a time when happiness was very easy. Meeting friends, meeting loved ones, doing good, clearing one's path, helping someone. Sweet melon came out, watermelon came out red, mangoes did not leak.  We ate toffee, brought samosas, eat jalebis, found water hot in the bathroom, got admission, passed out, matriculated, done FA, BA, did MA got married, ate food, invited, got married, performed Umrah and performed Hajj, built a small house, took out suit for Amy Abba, took jewelry for his sister, arrived home prematurely for his wife,  The children arrived, the children got older, they got married, the grandparents became the grandparents. Everything was easier and everyone was happy. Then we started looking for trouble, which school to get the child in, the position to come in, the number, the GPA, what the boy does, how is the car, how much the salary, Wore the branded clothes or Then copy it, lie then defend it, politics became the industry. O

Marriage Rituals of Muslims nowadays

Marriage Rituals of Muslims nowadays Exit the boundaries of women at weddings, bridal semi-bridal dresses, focusing on non-masculine women from different wives, and making films on camera and not ringing on the ears of the father, brother, and Son, and in some of the most fortunate families, the funeral procession of Haya is seen at this time that the heart trembles with fear. How does your respect for the movie maker and 'Photographers come to the wedding program as if they were theirs'. And telling them to do different photo sessions of the bride. Sorry! Now is the time to grieve what to weep ?? The bride herself is giving the movie maker 'guide to the photographer' this is my sister 'my cousin' my maternal grandmother and the bride's sister 'umm' Kala etc as well and strongly tells her that the picture of all the ladies should be well made. The thought of the moment is that the poorer a man, the more money he spends on the rituals of s